All of a sudden there's a problem?(突然间就出问题了吗。)
Can you talk a little bit about how you get to convince? Because you could be arguing and arguing, and all of a sudden you realize.(你能谈谈你是如何说服别人的吗?因为你可能一直在争论,然后突然你意识到。)
All of a sudden, I had to share my toys and there were no more bedtime stories or my own choice of food.(突然间,我不得不和别人分享我的玩具,也不再有睡前故事或我自己选择的食物。)
Then all of a sudden you're not loved anymore.(那么突然间没有人会再爱你了。)
This is not can learn or grasp all of a sudden.(这不是一下子能够学会或掌握的。)
The world seemed so joyous and wonderful all of a sudden.(突然间,整个世界似乎变得如此欢乐和美妙。)
All of a sudden, he saw a hole in the wall, from which the sea water was running.(突然,他看见墙上有个洞,海水从洞里涌了出来。)
Then all of a sudden, she saw a big flash.(突然她眼前出现了一道闪光。)
All of a sudden the book under Tuk's pillow began scraping and scratching.(杜克的枕头底下的那本书突然开始窸窸窣窣动了起来。)
All of a sudden, I slipped into the river.(突然,我滑进了河里。)
all of a sudden是什么意思 all of a sudden在线翻译 all of a sudden什么意思 all of a sudden的意思 all of a sudden的翻译 all of a sudden的解释 all of a sudden的发音 all of a sudden的同义词